The last blog I wrote over a week ago but couldn't post it on my iPad. I am now with friends, Derek & Penny in Kenya for three weeks. An amazing couple, walking by faith every day to help young people in remand homes here to find worth and reconnect with family.
Last week was spent in Mto Moyoni Retreat Centre, run by Ingrid from the Netherlands, who has called Uganda her home for over 30 years. The staff are all taught about the revelation of the Father's love and they are like a family. Unfortunately one of them was caught stealing and rather than sacking him Ingrid extended him grace, said she would have to suspend him, but would meet with him regularly to walk him through the issues that led him to this action. All the time emphasising how much he is loved by Father and her. Oh that we could all be that loving and gracious to each other! Father is really taking me out of my comfort zone on this journey and teaching me so much.
Watch this space!